72 research outputs found

    Verifying Class Invariants in Concurrent Programs

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    Class invariants are a highly useful feature for the verification of object-oriented programs, because they can be used to capture all valid object states. In a sequential program setting, the validity of class invariants is typically described in terms of a visible state semantics, i.e., invariants only have to hold whenever a method begins or ends execution, and they may be broken inside a method body. However, in a concurrent setting, this restriction is no longer usable, because due to thread interleavings, any program state is potentially a visible state. In this paper we present a new approach for reasoning about class invariants in multithreaded programs. We allow a thread to explicitly break an invariant at specific program locations, while ensuring that no other thread can observe the broken invariant. We develop our technique in a permission-based separation logic environment. However, we deviate from separation logic's standard rules and allow a class invariant to express properties over shared memory locations (the invariant footprint), independently of the permissions on these locations. In this way, a thread may break or reestablish an invariant without holding permissions to all locations in its footprint. To enable modular verification, we adopt the restrictions of Muller's ownership-based type system

    Notions of Computation Determine Monads

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    We model notions of computation using algebraic operations and equations. We show that these generate several of the monads of pri- mary interest that have been used to model computational e ects, with the striking omission of the continuations monad. We focus on semantics for global and local state, showing that taking operations and equations as primitive yields a mathematical relationship that reflects their com- putational relationship

    Logics of knowledge and action: critical analysis and challenges

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    International audienceWe overview the most prominent logics of knowledge and action that were proposed and studied in the multiagent systems literature. We classify them according to these two dimensions, knowledge and action, and moreover introduce a distinction between individual knowledge and group knowledge, and between a nonstrategic an a strategic interpretation of action operators. For each of the logics in our classification we highlight problematic properties. They indicate weaknesses in the design of these logics and call into question their suitability to represent knowledge and reason about it. This leads to a list of research challenges

    On Model Checking Boolean BI

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    The logic of bunched implications (BI), introduced by O'Hearn and Pym, is a substructural logic which freely combines additive and multiplicative implications. Boolean BI (BBI) denotes BI with classical interpretation of additives and its model is the commutative monoid. We show that when the monoid is finitely generated and propositions are recursively defined, or the monoid is infinitely generated and propositions are restricted to generator propositions, the model checking problem is undecidable. In the case of finitely related monoid and,generator propositions. the model checking problem is EXPSPACE-complete.http://gateway.webofknowledge.com/gateway/Gateway.cgi?GWVersion=2&SrcApp=PARTNER_APP&SrcAuth=LinksAMR&KeyUT=WOS:000270711900021&DestLinkType=FullRecord&DestApp=ALL_WOS&UsrCustomerID=8e1609b174ce4e31116a60747a720701Computer Science, Theory & MethodsEICPCI-S(ISTP)

    Capabilities for Uniqueness and Borrowing

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    An important application of unique object references is safe and efficient message passing in concurrent object-oriented programming. However, to prevent the ill effects of aliasing, practical systems often severely restrict the shape of messages passed by reference. Moreover, the problematic interplay between destructive reads--often used to implement unique references--and temporary aliasing through "borrowed" references is exacerbated in a concurrent setting, increasing the potential for unpredictable run-time errors. This paper introduces a new approach to uniqueness. The idea is to use capabilities for enforcing both at-most-once consumption of unique references, and a flexible notion of uniqueness. The main novelty of our approach is a model of uniqueness and borrowing based on simple, unstructured capabilities. The advantages are: first, it provides simple foundations for uniqueness and borrowing. Second, it can be formalized using a relatively simple type system, for which we provide a complete soundness proof. Third, it avoids common problems involving borrowing and destructive reads, since unique references subsume borrowed references. We have implemented our type system as an extension to Scala. Practical experience suggests that our system allows type checking real-world actor-based concurrent programs with only a small number of additional type annotations

    Development of the serotonergic cells in murine raphe nuclei and their relations with rhombomeric domains

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